Saturday, December 18, 2021

'दादागिरी' आणि विराट ची नामुष्की

     सारख्या महत्त्वाकांक्षेच्या दोन व्यक्ती सोबत आल्या की वाद हे होतातच. ते राजकारण असु द्या किंवा क्रिकेट. हल्ली रोहित आणि विराट च्या बाबतीत अगदी हेच सुरु आहे. दोघेही अव्वल आणि दिग्गज क्रिकेट पटू. कोहलीचा दोन वर्षांपासूनचा खालावलेला फॉर्म आणि एकही आयसीसी टूर्नामेंट न जिंकता आल्यामुळे बीसीसीआय ने त्याला टी २० आणि वन डे कर्णधार पदावरून पायउतार होण्यास सांगितले. याविरुद्ध रोहित चा फॉर्म आणि त्यानी जिंकलेल्या ५ आयपीएल ट्रॉफीज! हे तर साहाजिक आहे आणि क्रिकेट फॅन्स ला पटण्याजोगे आहे. भारतीय क्रिकेट संघाचा कर्णधार असणे ही मोठी संधी आहे आणि विराट नी ती उत्कृष्ट रित्या पार पडली असा म्हणायला काही हरकत नाही. हल्ली त्यानी वर्कलोड आणि वैयक्तिक कारणे देत सुट्याही घेतल्या. आगामी २०२३ च्या वर्ल्ड कप ला लक्ष करून रोहित शर्मा सारख्या सक्षम खेळाडूला कर्णधार बनवले. कर्णधार पद ही तर देशाची सेवा करण्यासाठी मिळालेली संधीच आणि ती काही आजीवन नसणार. विराट एक बॅट्समन म्हणूनही सुद्धा उत्कृष्ट  कामगिरी करू शकतो. सचिन तेंडुलकर नी सुद्धा विविध कर्णधारांच्या अंडर मॅचेस खेळून विक्रमांचा डोंगर चढलाच. रोहितला पण एक दिवस कर्णधार पदावरून पायउतार व्हावे लागेल हे पण सत्यच.

    याआधी युवराज-धोनी च्या जोडी चे उदाहरण घ्या.  दोघेही मोठे मॅच विंनिंग प्लेयर्स. युवराज सिंग धोनीच्या नेतृत्वात खेळला आणि दोघांनीही मोठ्या पार्टनरशिप्स रचत भारताला टि२०, वन डे विश्वचषक आणि चॅम्पियन्स ट्रॉफीज जिंकून दिल्यात. मतभेत दूर ठेवून, मन मोठे करून दोघेही कर्तृत्व सिद्ध करू शकले. 

    म्हणून रोहित आणि विराट नी पण खेळाचा, देशाचा मान ठेवत आता क्रिकेट खेळायला हवं. विराट नी त्याचं ऍग्रेशन बाजूला सारून खेळ भावनेनी क्रिकेट खेळलं तर भारतीय क्रिकेट पुन्हा विश्वचषक आणू शकते.आगामी दक्षिण आफ्रिकेच्या दौऱ्यात मॅच च्या आधी भारताचे राष्टगीत होताच दोघेही सर्व मतभेद विसरून देशासाठी मॅच जिंकण्यासाठीच प्रयत्नशील असतील यात काहीच शंका नाही! वादानंतर आता रोहितने सुद्धा विराट बद्दल त्याचे मत व्यक्त करतांना म्हटलेच की विराटची देह बोली सदैव मॅच जिंकण्याचा प्रयत्न दर्शवते आणि टीम ला त्याची आवश्यकता सुद्धा आहे. आणि विराटने पण रोहितशी काही खदखद नसल्याचे मान्य केले व तो टीम इंडिया शी खेळीमेळीने राहतांना दिसला. आता भारतीय संघात सर्व काही आलबेल आहे असंच म्हणूया. 

~तेजल गुर्जर 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

आधुनिक शुभेच्छा

 पुर्वी सणा-सुधीला मित्र नातेवाईक पोस्टाने ग्रिटींग कार्ड्स पाठवयाचे. कालांतराने, लँडलाईन वरुन एकमेकांना फोन करायचे. नंतर मोबाइल फोन्स आलेत व एसएमएस पाठवायला सुरुवात झाली. एक वेळ अशी आली की एसएमएस च ट्रॅफिक इतक वाढलं की सरकारला एसएमएस ची प्रतिदिवस मर्यादा ठरवावी लागली. काही वर्षां अगोदर बहुतांश सर्वांजवळ स्मार्टफोन्स आलेत आणि व्हाट्सअँप पण आलं आणि मेसेज पाठवण्याची मर्यादा संपली. हल्ली व्हॉट'सअप्प मेसेज फॉरवर्ड करण्यावर मर्यादा आल्यात त्यामुळे बहुतांश लोक व्हाट्सअँप स्टेटस ठेवतात. म्हणजे हे असं झालं की अगदी स्वरूची भोज सारखंच! स्वयंपाक तयार आहे आणि सर्व्ह यौरसेल्फ! असो, येणाऱ्या काळाबद्दल भाकीत न केलेलं बरं! याला धकाधकीचं जीवन म्हणावं की नुस्ता आळशीपणा..


Sunday, March 22, 2020

कोरोना - दोष कुणाचा ?

           हल्ली काही दिवसांपासून जगात सर्वांच्या मनात धास्ती भरणारा हा कोरोना विषाणू कुठून आलाय? या विषाणूच्या जगभर होत असलेल्या लागणीला दोषी कोण? चीन ? औषधशास्त्र ? की जगभरातल्या प्रशासन यंत्रणा? जागतिक व्यापार युद्ध? सगळ्या जगाला वेठीस धरणारा हा कोविड १९ आजार नेमका कसा आला?
           शास्त्रज्ञांच्या मते कोरोना विषाणू हा नैसर्गिक प्रक्रियेतून निर्माण झालेला विषाणू आहे. २००३ मध्ये सार्क आढळून आला आणि  काही वर्षांनी मर्क आजार आखाती देशामध्ये आढळून आला. हे पण कोरोना सारख्या विषाणुंचेच प्रकार होते, असे शास्त्रज्ञांचे मत आहे. डिसेंबर २०१९ मध्ये चीनच्या वुहान शहरामध्ये प्रथम या विषाणूची नोंद केली गेली.  आणि चीन मध्ये फेब्रुवारी च्या मध्य पर्यंत बरीच जीवित हानी झाली. दरम्यानच्या काळात, हा विषाणू जगात काही देशांत आपले पाय पसरवून बसला होता.

           चीन मध्ये जानेवारी च्या मध्यान्न नंतर सुटीचा हंगाम असतो आणि या दरम्यान वुहान वरून बरेच लोक चीन च्या विविध भागात पसरले. १.१ कोटी लोकसंख्या असलेले वुहान शहर आपल्या मुंबई सारखेच लोकसंख्येने गजबजलेले. परंतु या काळात हा विषाणू कसा पसरतो याबद्दल अनभिज्ञता होती.
सुरुवातीला चीन बरोबर दक्षिण कोरिया, जपान व थायलंड हे देश कोरोनाच्या विळख्यात सापडले. त्यापाठोपाठ अमेरिकेच्या वॉशिंग्टन राज्यातील सिएटल शहरात एक ३० वर्षीय युवकाला कोरोनाची लागण झाल्याचे आढळून आले. हा युवक वुहान शहरातून परतला होता.

            नंतर चीन सरकारणेसुद्धा प्रतिबंधात्मक उपाययोजना म्हणून वुहान शहर पूर्णपणे बंद केले. जरी एवढी मोठी लोकसंख्या असलेले वुहान शहर बंद केले पण याचवेळी कोरोना विषाणू आता इटली आणि पाठोपाठ युरोप खंडाच्या विविध देशांमध्ये पसरू लागला होता. यूरोप नंतर अमेरिका आणि इराण मध्ये कोरोना चा प्रादुर्भाव गंभीर रित्या वाढला. अमेरिकेनेतर कोरोना रोकण्या साठी ५० अब्ज अमेरिकी डॉलर्स मदतीसाठी घोषित केले.

          याचपाठोपाठ भारतातही राजस्थान, केरळ, दिल्ली, महाराष्ट्र व इतर राज्यांमध्ये कोरोना चा प्रवेश झाला. प्रामुख्याने यात विदेशातून आलेले लोक होते. या दरम्यान कोरोना विषाणू वर बऱ्यापैकी संशोषण झाले होते. आणि या विषाणूची लागण कशी होते, कशाच्या मार्फत पसरतो आणि कशाच्या नाही याची माहिती शास्त्रज्ञांकडून उपलब्ध झाली. यावर इलाज नसला तरी खबरदारी व प्रतिबंधात्मक उपाय माहित झाल्याने, जागतिक आरोग्य संघटनेच्या दिशादर्शकानुसार भारताच्या केंद्र व राज्य सरकारने विविध उपाययोजना सुरु केल्या.
           विविध कोरोना बाधित देशांतील भारतीयांना स्वदेशी आणण्यात आले व त्यांवर उपचार करण्यात आले.
सध्या सर्व विदेशी विमानाचे आगमन रद्द केल्याने बराच दिलासा मिळेल. सोबतच विषाणू चा देशात सर्वत्र उद्रेक होऊ नये म्हणून काही राज्यांनी बंद केलेली रेल्वे व हवाई वाहतूक नक्कीच मदत करेल. सर्व जनता सुद्धा शासनाच्या उपाययोजनांत साथ देते आहे. जशी बाधितांची संख्या इटली व इराण मध्ये वाढली, तशी भारतात वाढू नये हीच ईश्वरचरणी प्रार्थना ! कोरोना बरोबरची लढाई भारताबरोबर जगही जिंकेल आणि कोरोना मुळे अस्थव्यस्थ झालेली अर्थव्यवस्था पुन्हा रुळावर येईल हीच आशा करूया !

जय हिंद ! जय भारत !

Friday, December 14, 2018

Why should Indians be concerned with RBI governor’s resignation?

Recently RBI governor Dr. Urjit Patel resigned invoking former RBI governor Dr Raghuram Rajan to comment saying this is a protest by a government servant against the government and all Indians should be concerned. Dr Rajan’s comment is in harmony with all opposition leaders. Government demanded emergency fund from RBI to fill up fiscal deficit and governor was against it as situation is not demanding though. Hence owl left the nest thinking nest is in danger. Raghuram Rajan completed his 3 year term as RBI governor and did not get extension and left for US to continue his academician job. Prime Minister Modi also applauded his work for nation during his interview with Times Now after becoming PM.

Nevertheless, there are other few people who came to India to redefine India and left their post and fled back to US example – Niti Ayog’s Arvind Panagariya, Chief economic advisor Arvind Subramanian, havoc in CBI impacting its autonomy and dignity. Few NDA allies left NDA and some are opposing from within. But figures said that GDP growth is 8.2% in 2018-19 Q1. As per RBI, economic growth is expected to accelerate at 7.4% in this fiscal year. So where is the worry for Indians to stay concerned?

What Mrs. Gandhi did when she was Prime minister, she rejected seniority in selection of Supreme Court chief justice of India and selected a man of her choice. She implemented emergency on India where fundamental rights of people were suspended. Is this a situation in India presently so that we should be concerned? Is there any war like situation from neighbouring countries to be concerned? India already stopped Pakistan’s funding from US diplomatically and politically without any war. India is able to tackle China diplomatically and our east borders are also in peace.

Prime minister Modi inaugurated many projects like bullet train, Mumbai metro phase 2 to 7, coastal sea link in Mumbai, waterways, samruddhi expressway, Shivaji maharaj statue in Arabian sea, infrastructure projects in rural and urban areas across country and work is in progress. For few projects government already created war rooms to expedite work. In order to complete these projects government need funds and sources are income taxes, industrial taxes, taxes on fuel and other commodities. GST is robust tax system launched by this government and showing good results since its inception. GST bill was approved by states and cabinet hence the equal share of state GST and central GST.

Hope the new governor takes his stand with current macro economical scenarios and also come up with strategy which maintains autonomy of RBI. One should not lose his noble values by commenting on Indian politics, opposition is doing their job well in India. We are a great country and will be great always.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Imagining Rio like event in India..

One of the root cause why India could not perform up to the mark in Rio 2016 can be India had not hosted any Olympic games till now. India’s youth are not very familiar about sports that are played in Olympic while compared with cricket. India hosted 2011 cricket world cup which has definitely boosted our economy, tourism, foreign currency reserve. Hosting Olympic Games in India, can indisputably drive tourism, boost in public transport, hotels, entertainment, restaurants and retail etc. This is definitely going to increase demand of products to enhance industrial manufacturing.

What Brazil achieved
Budget for Olympic is $5 bn and cannot expect profit in short term. During 2008 to 2014, Rio’s revenue from overseas tourism grew from $1.26 bn to $2.10 bn with the help of 2014 football world cup. Japan is going host 2020 summer Olympic and has shown its strength in Rio Olympic closing ceremony. Japanese PM Shinzo Abe himself appeared in the event with Mario cap to ensure the attraction from world. So we can understand how much important it is to host such games which involves 206 countries (figure from Rio 2016).

Advantages to India
If India hosts Olympic Games, entire world will see the event; entire world will see India’s capacity in financial terms and in terms of security. It will definitely increase confidence of foreign investors on India. Hence this will give good response in foreign direct investment and can change India’s global image in positive direction towards globalization. With the help of Olympic body, India can also improve its infrastructure. Indian citizen especially teenagers and children will see the event and learn from it. This will create a patriotic environment and zeal to bring medals for our country.

However, poor show can damage future tourism. Setting up the event can be very expensive and can render a city bankrupt as seen in one of the reasons for Greece went debt ridden hosting 2004 Athens Olympic Games. India has already witnessed scams in commonwealth games in 2010.
Instead of these worries, I am very sure India can beat Bolt's 100m, 200m, 400m records and many sports we can win gold medals. We need to focus on athletes selection process. Government of India has also set up a team for suggestions in upcoming next three Olympics. Let's hope this will bring a positive change in India's Olympic glory. We need to start from basic level i.e. by providing sports infrastructure to schools in urban and rural schools and need to rigorously include sports in student's curriculum. Study and play can be a very good approach.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

From scratch to $17.5 billion with Sun shining bright

Early life
       Yes. A person who started his pharmaceutical company in Vapi, Gujarat, now has net worth of whooping approximately $18 billion. Dilip Shanghvi was born in Amreli, a small village in Gujarat in 1955. He completed his bachelor of commerce from University of Calcutta and joined his father’s wholesale generic drug shop in Kolkata. During his work as a drug distributor, he thought of manufacturing his own drugs instead of selling others’ products. 

From Kolkata to Mumbai
        He borrowed 10000 rupees (amount same as Narayan Murthy borrowed from his wife Sudha to establish Infosys) from his father and came to Mumbai from Kolkata in 1982. In 1982, he started Sun Pharmaceuticals with 5 person and 5 products of psychiatry and capsules. Four years later, company started selling across India. In 1989, after launching a few cardiology products, Shanghvi began to export to neighbouring countries, and has never looked back. In 1991, he set up a research centre for his company. Sun pharmaceutical Advanced research company is first ever R&D company enlisted on Indian stock market. Three years later, Sun Pharma went in for an initial public offering.

Grow, buy, grow
       A large part of Shanghvi’s success can be attributed to his acquisition strategy. His first buyout was in 1996 when he acquired a drug manufacturing plant of Knoll Pharma in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. The same year the company’s sales operations expanded to 24 countries.
The most notable of these acquisitions was a controlling stake in the Israeli drug maker, Taro Pharmaceuticals Industries, in 2010. Two successful purchases of US companies URL pharma and DUSA pharmaceuticals happened in 2012. These acquisitions strengthened Sun Pharma’s position in key markets such as the US, Israel and Canada. In 2014, Sun pharma acquired Ranbaxy. Now Sunpharma's 60% revenue comes from US market.


       Shanghvi is richest Indian who surpassed Mukesh Ambani from this title. He is among Asia’s top 10 wealthiest self made billionaire. He owns 60.8% stake in Sunpharma and 23% stake in world’s 5th largest wind energy turbine producer, Suzlon. In 2016, Dilip Sanghvi received Padma Shri honour from Government of India.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Economics of Indian Cricket, now days

     BCCI – India’s richest sporting body and world’s richest cricket board, which lures many politicians for top positions in it. As India is large market in terms of International Cricket revenue, BCCI’s opinion carry weight in ICC’s decision making process. India can decide future of International players as well as can upgrade cricket rules. ECB, Cricket Australia and BCCI are ‘Big Three’ economic players in world cricket. BCCI is independent body which does not depend on Government for its finances. BCCI has tax liability of $4.13 bn who paid only $419mn till now.

     During 2007, Indian Cricket League (ICL) a private cricket league funded by Zee Entertainment initiated in India which feared BCCI. BCCI and ICC refused to recognise ICL and BCCI decided to launch Indian Premier League in 2008 on franchise model. BCCI increased prize money of IPL and banned ICL players. BCCI put Lalit Modi in change of starting T20 of its own.
IPL conducted bidding for selling franchise of each team. Obviously, BCCI made whooping assets from IPL bidding. It is interesting to know how IPL team owners/investors earn. Revenue of the team is generated from media rights for broadcasting, sponsorships, tickets, stall rentals and prize money.

     Media rights for broadcasting IPL matched is decided by BCCI through auction process. Sony network is having worldwide broadcasting rights. Some part of revenue obtained from it goes to each team investor. Revenue earned from media rights creates maximum share of total earning around 60-70% for each team.

     Out of total revenue of the team, 10% revenue comes from match tickets. Maximum the spectators, more is the earning and good view for broadcasters. Hence team owners decides ticket rates based on standard of living of the city. Some tickets are already reserved for BCCI which BCCI can provide to VVIPs and their relatives. KKR in first season of IPL did not do well, but they were in profit due to celebrities’ presence.

     Stalls installed inside stadium for beverages, eatables also acts as an addin to team revenue. And finally the prize money 50 cr for winners. As per the rule, 50% of prize money should go to each team members.

     There are other illegal sides of earnings in IPL. Let’s not go into the details of it. We shall wait for Tuesday 14th July, probe of CSK and RR fate result to be announced by Supreme Court.